Randomness abounds
I have a lot on my mind today, like...do cats have purr boxes? What is it that creates that purring? It's a funny thing, purring. It also feels funny when you're resting your head on a cat and he/she is purring. Your whole head vibrates. Ok, I know this must look like I'm on drugs but I'm genuinely curious and too lazy to google it.
Alright moving on...I found my sister had surgery, and no one bothered to tell me till after the fact. Seriously? I know it's not about me and I shouldn't be upset...but she's my sister. Luckily it wasn't a serious surgery or anything life threatening. It bothers me that my family keeps secrets though. Whatever, she's fine so that's all that matters.
I would love for nothing more than to just pick up and move away. I love Colorado, a LOT, but I'm ready to see what the world has to offer. This summer I'm taking the GREs (yikes!) and applying to Grad school. I'm going to apply in-state, Hawaii and a few other places. I'm not too sure where yet. But, oh how I would love to move to Hawaii. Hawaii is one of my favorite places in the world; it's so heavenly, blissful and relaxing and great weather. I'm a beach bum at heart, so it feels like Hawaii is the mother-ship and it's calling me home. Or the Caribbean, but it's way more expensive there and I'd rather not deal with the hurricanes there. I do love the Caribbean too. It's gorgeous and awesome. I love Jamaican accents. They're so laidback, though it could be all ganja ;-). I've been listening to Bob Marley and Beach Boys today, that's why I'm in such a beach mood. Though I'm always in the mood for that.
As for grad school, people keep asking me what I want to do and they're met with a blank stare. I honestly have no clue where I want to go with my life. And it terrifies me and excites me at the same time. Not knowing what's next, it's daunting. But it's exciting. I don't have any plans, nor do I want to make plans because, if there is one thing I've learned it's that life almost NEVER turns out the way you expect it too. Be prepared for the unexpected, is one motto I live by. In fact, I don't even make weekend plans as much as possible, just so I'm prepared for anything. Too many people live by rules and plans and when they get thwarted and messed up, they get upset and think something's wrong with them. Or they question what they could have done differently. Life has its little surprises, both pleasant and unpleasant. That's not to say don't make ANY plans whatsoever, I like to give myself general goals so I have some direction, but prefer not to have it set in stone. Who knows what will happen? Expect the unexpected, difficult to grasp sometimes, but it's a good motto to live by. Life is less stressful that way, I find.
End randomness.
Oh yeah, life is full of surprises (big and little). If you attend grad school in Hawaii that would be awesome! Be sure to post loads of pictures. hehe.
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