I Believe

NPR has a segment known as "This I believe", which I think is brilliant. I could go on about it, but I'll provide a link instead... http://thisibelieve.org/index.php
I thought it would be a good idea to reflect on what I believe, but I'm not sure how this will turn out. Usually when I start writing I have no direction, I just go with it.

I believe in fate, destiny, serendipity, whatever you want to call it. Everything happens for a reason. Whether it's by the choices we make that shape our destiny or not, I don't know. I believe I was meant to be on this Earth for some reason, though I'm not sure what it's for. I believe we're all here to serve some purpose, be it for good or bad. There are so many events that occurred that make it hard for me to not believe it isn't for some purpose. Just two weeks ago I'd been talking to one of my friends about how I'd been feeling lots of anxiety and stress. All I wanted was to go home to my parents and escape the real world. All I wanted was for them to take care of me for a couple of days. Two weeks ago I'd been having many panic attacks, feeling immense amounts of stress because of school (writing three to four papers a week takes it out of me), irritability because of a certain "happy couple" always around, my roommates and I being blown off by another roommate (which we talked to her about and it worked...for a few days and now it's back to square one (she's part of the "happy couple")), and overall feeling incredibly despondent. The day before spring break, I got a call from my parents saying they would be in town that Sunday for my Dad's work. It's like some higher power or force heard my internal cries and sent my parents my way. They left yesterday morning, but the week they were here, I felt calmer than I had in ages (well save for the moments when my parents do or bring up subjects that freak me out). I feel better now, since they were in town. I don't even want to think of what my mental state would be like had they not come in town.

It's the little things that make me believe in fate. For the longest time, in high school, I was dead set on going to college in California, specifically the bay area. In the end I decided against it and stayed home in Colorado. I believe I was meant to go to school at CU-Boulder for a reason. I was meant to meet the people I have and to make the friends I have now for a reason. Whether or not they are all lifelong friends remains to be seen. Regardless each person has made an impact on me in some way, small or big. Going to school in Boulder has changed me. I'm not the same person I was a year ago, let alone in high school. I've grown up and learned a lot from the people in my life. And I believe it was for a reason I chose to stay in Boulder. I believe that sometimes it is our choices that can shape our destiny. I chose to stay in Colorado and go to Boulder, and I believe it was for a purpose. Maybe there's some higher being or unseen force that shaped my current life. I like to imagine that my life follows the shape of a tree, each branch, each twig is an ultimate fate of mine, it just depends on which "branch", path I take. I chose to remain in Colorado, but it was my fate to actually stay here and meet the people I met and make the friends I have. I believe it was destined for my parents to move to Houston, even if it's just for my Dad's work. It was meant to be. My Dad started his life in America in Nevada, then he moved to California until he moved to Colorado where he spent over twenty years of his life.

Some people don't believe in fate or destiny and that's fine, but then what do they think about their existence on Earth? Do they believe they're here just 'cause? It seems almost too cynical to me (and I'm a really cynical person) to not believe you have a purpose here. I feel almost sorry for people who think there is no purpose or reason for anything. A couple of my roommates are kind of like that and I was kind of surprised by that. I don't think it was my choice to be here, it's just the way it's supposed to be. Maybe it's a really romanticized notion, but it's better to believe in this than nothing, right? It just seems to me that these events, or any events for that matter, wouldn't have happened if they weren't meant to, if that sentence makes any sense at all. I believe there is a rhyme and reason to everything in life. I believe I made this blog for a reason, to share my thoughts or random tidbits with whoever reads this. I believe SoGoPro was that driving force that prodded me into making a blog and to meet the people there. I mean if it wasn't for SoGoPro, I wouldn't know any of the people there otherwise. I believe fate brings us together. I believe fate is a driving, subconscious force in our lives. I believe that everything happens for a reason. Even if it's unpleasant, tragic or something trivial, there is a reason for it. My sister just got divorced a month and a half ago, quit her job, and is going to foreclose on her house. When it rains, it pours, but I believe this was for a reason. She's still young, incredibly smart and accomplished and I believe that these latest events are a blessing in disguise, a really twisted disguise. It's a chance for her to start her life over again. A chance to find a new job, a new life and, who knows, maybe further down the road a new relationship. I believe it happened for a reason. We may not be able to see it now, but further down the road it might become clearer to me and my family.

I believe in fate. I believe everything serves a purpose. I believe there is a rhyme and reason to everything. This I believe.


Anonymous said...

Powerful post. And I happen to agree with you. Also I think it's a little bit creepy that we're all so in tune with each other at SoGoPro because Kim wrote about Faith too and even though I haven't written about it yet, it's been on my mind too.

"Every individual has a place to fill in the world, and is important, in some respect, whether he chooses to be so or not." You'll find your place in this world!!


Elise88 said...

Very insightful post, Neera. A very interesting read. Fete is defintely something worth thinking about. :)

Eli xx

Kim said...

I'm a huge believer in fate and you hit the nail on the head with this one. I loved you analogy of the tree and branches. When one branch runs out another will sprout up to take us in another direction.

Thank you for sharing this.


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