Letter for K

Posting the letter I wrote for my niece almost three years ago. Just in case something happens to my laptop, I want to save it elsewhere! I'm quite pleased with it, if I do say so myself...

August 14, 2006

Dear Kerala,

I hope that after you read this letter you gain something from it. It may not contain the world’s greatest advice; but I hope that a part of it will be of use to you in the future. I’m not sure how to begin, but I will start of by saying you are one of the luckiest girls in the world. You are surrounded by many, many people who love you very much. I hope that you will always appreciate it and them. Before you were born you were already Miss Popular. There are so many people that want to baby-sit you; people were even willing to pay your parents to watch over you! You are a blessed girl, and no matter what happens in life always remember that! Whenever life gets rough or you feel as if you have nothing that matters just remember that someone will be there to help you out. And always, always appreciate and respect your parents. They know that they are talking about, even if it doesn’t seem like it at the time. You have great parents!

I wish you enough.

Wherever you end up in life, make sure it is doing something you love and that you are happy doing it. Never settle for something because of money. Contrary to popular belief money does not buy happiness. And never settle for less than what you can achieve. And don’t allow yourself to be pressured into something you don’t want to do. Do whatever it is you feel is right. Take time to live and enjoy life. You are never guaranteed more than today so live life to the fullest. Don’t be afraid to take a chance in life. Life is too short to be taken seriously. Work hard and play hard. When you enter high school get out there and get involved. Join clubs, play a sport, meet new people and befriend the new kid. It’s a lot scarier than you think. And if you happen to be the new kid make sure you join a club that interests you or play a sport it’s a great way to meet new people and make new friends. And when you go to college go out of state or go study abroad!

I wish you enough.

Always keep an open mind in life. Don’t be too quick to judge anyone. Go ahead and try something new in life. You will be surprised at how much you will experience and learn. Even if it seems weird you might end liking what you have learned. Appreciate the differences in each and every human being because you don’t learn from those who see things the way you do. And most importantly be proud of your Indian heritage! We are lucky to be a part of such a great culture and don’t be afraid to teach your friends all about it, so they can learn something new in life and you can take pride in being part of such a rich culture. I really hope that this letter will help you out in life.

I wish you enough.

Whatever career you choose or whatever path you take in life, promise me it will be something you absolutely enjoy doing. I hear of so many people today who hate their jobs and are miserable. I don’t want you to end up miserable and hating your job so work in something you enjoy and excel at. The same goes for whatever degree you decide to major in. When in college make sure you work hard but that you also play hard. It’s a lot of work but fun (or so I’m told). Major in something you are good at. Ten days from now I will enter my first year in college and whatever I learn from there I will be sure to pass on to you.

If you ever need someone to talk to or for anything you can always come to me. I will always be there for you! Now you may have noticed that between each paragraph I have said that I wish you enough. And you’re probably wondering what it means. It may not be the most amazing thing in the world but I received a letter a long time ago with some words of wisdom that I pass on to you and hope that it will help you in a time of need.

I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.

I wish you enough rain so you can appreciate light.

I wish you enough music to raise your spirits.

I wish you enough silence so you can hear it.

I wish you enough happiness to make you glow.

I wish you enough pain to make you grow.

I wish you enough intelligence to make your way.

I wish you enough innocence to enjoy the day.

I wish you joy. I wish you love. I wish you peace. I wish you enough.


Neera Foi


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