Dream blog

I had a really messed up dream last night...

The first part took place in "Vegas" except we were at a pretty crappy amusement park somewhere. It was really lame; I think the best ride there was a ferris wheel. The only people I remember being there were my parents and some friends whom I've never seen before. While walking through the park/Vegas we bumped into Rihanna there...no idea why. And my Mom, who I know has no clue as to who the hell Rihanna is (mind you I don't listen to any of her songs) was really, excited...like to the point that she was crying she was so happy to bump into this singer. Rihanna comes up to my Mom and gives her a hug and her autograph and they're acting like they're all buddies...meanwhile I'm standing there with the biggest WTF expression on my face. I still don't understand why she was in my dream as I'm not a fan of hers...anyway, as we were leaving the park/Vegas the people that were with me disappeared and it was me and a couple of random people here and there.

At some point two guys joined the group and they were normal-seeming people, and good-looking I guess. But somehow in my dream I just knew without a shadow of a doubt in my mind that these two guys were Freddy Kreuger and Jason from the Friday the 13th movies. And I also knew, without a doubt, that they were there to kill me. Despite this knowledge I was acting all buddy/buddy with them. I think I even asked them at one point to let me eat some final meal or to grant me some wish before they killed me 0_o. After dinner or whatever, I was driving my car...alone and they were following me in two cars and I kept thinking to myself, "shit, shit...this is it...as soon as I get inside my house they're gonna kill me. shit. this is the end. I can't go home or they'll get me. I have to keep moving; I can't stay in one place for too long or they'll kill me. I have to give them a dozen different trails or else it's the end." I get home and I go in the house and that's when I wake up...

I have no idea why I had a dream about people I'm not a "fan" of, but there it is...


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